I'm available to give training on nights and weekends at a rate of $120/hr for the following topics. Many of these topics can be in-depth or simple overviews. I can customize to your needs.
Software Development
- SOLID Principles
- 4 Rules of Simple Design
- Agile Methodologies
- Pair Programming
- Continuous Integration
- Source Control (Git/Github)
Web Development
- How does the web work? (TCP, HTTP, HTML/CSS/Javascript basics)
- OWASP Top 10 - protect yourself from the most common security vulnerabilities.
- Web authentication - How is this typically done?
- JQuery - building dynamic front-ends
- Bootstrap - a UI framework to make your life easier
- MVC Basics
- RSpec - Behavior Driven Development
- Ruby/Rails Idioms
- Security gotchas
- Performance gotchas
- Building Phoenix Applications
- Packaging and Deployment
- Testing your code w/ ExUnit
- Common Elixir gotchas
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Amazon Web Services
I've been getting away from C# the last couple years so I'm available to review pull requests and offer general advice, but I'm probably not your best choice for up to date idiomatic software design in .Net. Having said that, I'm fairly well versed on the following topics
- Dependency Injection
- ORMs
- TDD/NUnit
Contact me for mor information [email protected]